Plane weird
Genre: Dream
Inspiration: See above
I'm flying with a group of people in a large plane, like a 777 perhaps - but the inside of the plane is more like a lounge - Comfortably appointed with earthy tones and large windows. I am somehow familiar with the group including the pilot (or co-pilot) and my memory begins with us joking around. He had said something poking fun of me and I returned the ribbing by pointing out that the plane had somehow come to a stop - "We're not even flying" I said. We hadn't exactly landed because we had litteraly come to a stop mid flight, but we were set on the ground. There was nothing abrupt about the "landing" and it seemed to be normal except for the fact that we all wanted to get where we were going. As I poked fun at him I looked out the window - I remember the view was the middle floors of an office tower about 30 ft from the plane. I seem to know that we had come to a rest on the belly of the plane on the edge of a large drop - perhaps on top of a building, or some other similar struture. Very soon after pointing out that we were stopped the plane started to fly again taking off from the precipice not vertically, but also not with any acceleration on the ground - it was flown by the other co-pilot (the one I was talking to was in the loungy area with us).
Immediately my view switched to first person from the perspective of the nose of the plane. I remember watching and talking to someone who I knew was beside me (perhaps in the cockpit?) but I have no recollection who. The plane's engines roared as they pushed the large plane very slowly through the air - perhaps 30 or 40 kms per hr. Ahead of the plane was a very steep hill rising in front of the nose covered with typical urban features - a gas station, telephone poles, roads... we were perhaps 20 ft off the ground as we climbed steeply to surmount the hill. The plane was barely fitting between the poles and signs that stuck up above the streets, and I remember as it tilted sideways on its horizontal axis to fit between the streetlights. I lauded the pilots skill at that point. Where the plane lifted off from its perch the bottom of the hill was comprised of a busy street below with a large, more open area on the hillside facing us. There were taller buildings on either side of us but were flanking us by about 100 ft on either side. As the hill progressed to the top though, space between the buildings on either side narrowed as the streets formed a triangle. As we approached the top of the hill I remember avoiding an abnormally large and off-kilter train to our left, a few very out of place and abnormally small Russian cargo planes parked in the bank of the hill to our right, and flying towards a very large and strange scaffold/structure directly ahead of us. The structure looked most like an extremely large, dock yard crane - the type that unloads cargo ships - in that it was steel and laticed, except that it was enormous.
We flew into the structure still going 30 or 40 and the next thing I remember is as follows: We had landed, again on the belly of the plane. The ground beneath me was white and icy and slick aluminum. Somehow I knew that we had landed on top of a much larger plane that was now moving through the air - I knew because of the ice, wind and the height that I had to be careful. I was still with all my companions (perhaps 4 or 5). The strange thing was that the top of the plane I was on was not really the top of anything, it was just a surface and it didn't really seem like a plane - around us bolted to the icy white aluminum below foot was the huge abutments of the steel latice that was at the top of the hill. Somehow I was on something that was a combination of the Russian cargo planes I saw and the giant crane like structure. I know we had landed there for a reason - though there was no panic in the dream, landing there was somehow saving us from real danger (perhaps running out of fuel or something similar). The plane we had flown there in was beside us - it was covered in ice and was also abnormally small - maybe 50 ft long. To get out of the cold, and into a comfortable environment for the duration of the trip we decided to get into our plane which it turns out was perched near the edge of the structure we were on. To get in, someone climed on the top of our plane simply by straddling it and lifted up a hatch at the very front which was located where it's windows were. Half the front of the plane lifted to let us in. Two people who were also going to get in stepped too near the edge of our plane and nearly fell off both planes altogether - I was not particularly concerned because I just wanted to get in... end.
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